Sensation (Gold Edition). Limited edition of 12 screenprints on paper.


In the blue summer evenings, I will go down the path

Prickled by the wheat, and treading on the grass

Dreaming, I will feel its coolness on my feet

And I will let the wind bathe my bare head.

I will not talk, I will not think anything

But infinite love will rise in my soul

And I will go far, so far, like a bohemian

In Nature- happy as with a woman.

Sensation, Arthur Rimbaud (my translation)

Earlier this year, we went for a long walk alongside the Arun river in the South Downs. It was the end of Winter, the end of lockdown, and we were stepping out into the world again after the dark Winter of the pandemic.

Starved of contacts, and used to living like housecats in front of computers, we took a few tentative steps in the countryside, seeing everything for the first time again. Minds were silenced, bodies open to all sensory clues, we were alive again.

These prints, bright and serene, take me back to this day, a reminder that Spring (and life) returns at the end of Winter.


Sensation (Pink Edition)


Sensation (Purple Edition)