XY Screen Print- Limited edition of 20 screenprints on paper.


This print started as a photo of a neon sign I took of a sex shop in Pigalle (Paris) around 25 years ago. I loved how it looks like neon rays are radiating from the letters, and I loved the ambiguity of the letters. I can read both an X and a Y in them, which I thought was quite fitting for a sex shop sign.

Unlike my other neon prints, I decided not to stay true to the colours of the photo during the art working process. The neon sign was flashing, so only a few of the rays were lit up at any time, and I wanted them all lit in the print, so I added colours to some of them to balance out the image.

I love how the candy colours contrast with the black in the final image, they are both sweet and alluring.


Live Hotel


64 Movies- Blue